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在线学习有很多好处, 比如更灵活 在你的时间表内. However, with great power comes great responsibility. 因为远程学习课程提供了更多的自由, it’s up to you to stay on track with all of your classes and ensure assignments are being completed on time.

Luckily, you don’t have to manage everything yourself. There are plenty of online student resources you can take advantage of. Here’s a list of several programs and learning websites that could be a big help in your academic career.
从电子邮件到你的导师,再到期中论文, writing is an essential part of the virtual learning experience. It can be easy to overlook typos or common grammar mistakes, 所以有一个校对员是很重要的. 没有可用的? Grammarly 你投保了吗?! This AI-powered writing assistant checks your spelling, grammar, tone, style and much more. Grammarly’s Chrome extension can be installed on your computer free of charge.
团队合作很有挑战性, 尤其是远程操作的时候, but there are a few platforms that can help ease the stress of collaborating in school. Basecamp is a project management tool that allows users to separate work by projects and communicate with their team easily. 在每个项目中, 你有留言板之类的工具, to-do lists and calendars to ensure the assignment is moving smoothly. By creating separate “projects” for each of your classes, Basecamp can also double as an online academic planner.
学习小贴士:在网上制作自己的抽认卡! Gone are the days of hand cramps from writing endless study notes or losing a stack of flashcards in your backpack. With Quizlet, users can make their own flashcard decks or search pre-made decks on the same topic, which can save valuable time as you prepare for an assessment. Plus, Quizlet抽认卡很容易与他人分享, making it seamless to study online with your fellow classmates. Quizlet has a website and an app, so you can study from anywhere, on any device.
Since online college students don’t have the same structure as students in a traditional classroom, 消除干扰是很困难的. If you’re looking for a way to stay focused while doing your schoolwork, an application like Freedom 也许很适合你. Freedom blocks distracting websites and apps to help you improve your productivity. You can schedule when you’ll be working ahead of time and choose which sites you’d like to silence for a personalized experience.
