


When your air conditioner dies on a hot summer day or your heat won't turn on during a bitterly cold morning, 看到暖通空调技术人员可以是一个巨大的解脱. But have you ever thought about being the technician on the other side of the door?

如果你最喜欢用手干活, enjoy problem-solving 和 critical thinking 和 love helping others, 供暖事业, 通风和空调可能是最合适的.

对熟练暖通空调工人的需求是 可能增加 由于商业和住宅建筑的建设, the growing number of advanced climate-controlled systems 和 a growing emphasis on energy efficiency 和 pollution reduction. 事实上, 从2016年到2026年,该领域预计将增长15%, 比所有职业的平均水平快得多.1

另外, a career in HVAC offers many potential opportunities for those looking to utilize their skill set. “暖通空调职业涉及供暖, 空调及通风, but there are a variety of career destinations including contracting companies, 制造商, 制冷设备的安装和维修, 住宅和商业暖通空调, commercial freight 和 air conditioning 和 residential/light commercial heating, 冷却和冷藏.2

Those in the HVAC field might find themselves in a variety of environments, from residential homes to schools, hospitals, office buildings 和 factories.

如果你考虑进入暖通空调领域, you may st和 out to more employers if you come into the job with some h和s-on training. 事实上, 许多技术人员接受高等教育 来自技术学校、贸易学校或社区大学. 这就是PG电子平台可以提供帮助的地方.

Remington College offers both an HVAC diploma program 和 an associate degree program. 巴吞鲁日提供HVAC文凭课程, 克利夫兰, 哥伦比亚, 达拉斯, 沃斯堡, 拉斐特, 孟菲斯, 莫比尔和纳什维尔校区. The 克利夫兰, 达拉斯, 沃斯堡 和 孟菲斯 campuses also offer the HVAC associate degree program.

Students in Remington College's heating 和 cooling school will study fundamental HVAC maintenance, 住宅系统, 商业系统, 制冷系统等.

In addition to the traditional HVAC classes offered at the school, Remington College also gives students a chance to work in labs to help prepare them for situations 和 equipment they may encounter on the job. These h和s-on experiences are intended to help students gain the confidence 和 skills to pursue an entry-level position once they complete HVAC school.2

Students who attend Remington College's HVAC program also have the opportunity to earn HVAC certifications. A technician who works with items that could release refrigerants into the atmosphere 必须持有特定证书 确保制冷剂被妥善处理. Remington College has designed a program that offers opportunities for HVAC certification.

If you are looking to start or advance your career, consider studying at Remington College. 了解更多关于PG电子游戏的项目和校园 catalog.dunsonassociates.com.

1 BLS statistics represent national job growth expectations 和 are not necessarily reflective of local market conditions.

