


你已经毕业了 药剂技术员课程 并准备开始寻找新的职业. 在你开始找工作之前, it is a good idea to make sure that your resume has all of the things that your new employer is looking for.

1. 您的姓名和联系方式

At the top of your resume, you should begin with your full legal name. You can fill your employer in on what you like to be called at the interview, 但是在你的简历上,你要用你的真名. 接下来,你应该包括你的邮寄地址. Underneath that, include the best phone number for them to reach you 和 an email address. 把所有东西都放在页面顶部的中间.1

2. 客观的

在你的联系方式下面, 你要包括你的目标, 或者为什么你是一个适合你申请的工作的候选人. 如果你想让你的简历脱颖而出, you should be more specific than "To obtain a job as pharmacy technician."2

You want to tell your potential employer something that makes you different, 以积极的方式, 来自其他申请人! 如果可以的话,突出你在该领域的经验. 如果你没有任何经验, highlight a past work experience or a personality trait that you think makes you a good c和idate for the job. 例如, "Seeking pharmacy technician job in which my customer service skills 和 leadership will be an asset."2

3. 资历概述

The person reading your resume may be very busy with tasks of their own, 所以你得直入主题. Your summary of qualifications should be organized in four or five bullet points that highlight your strengths 和 abilities in the workplace.3

Each bullet point should begin with an action verb or a positive adjective that describes you!3 例如, "Provides excellent customer service" or "Organized 和 able to process orders accurately.你不需要使用完整的句子,也不需要非常具体. Just make sure each statement tells the reader something about you or your experience.

4. 教育

Next, you should include where you went to school 和 what you studied. If you've had any higher education, then it's probably not necessary to include your high school. 列出你上过的大学或社区学院, 你在那里的那些年, 还有你学习的课程.1 Be sure to list the school 和 the program you attended to become a 药学技术人员.

You can also list out your 药学技术人员 coursework or any computer programs you learned that might be useful to your job.1 You should only list these if you think they will make you st和 out 来自其他申请人.

5. 工作经验

You want to include all of your relevant work experience 和 externships.1 你应该从最上面最近的一个开始. 包括你的工作头衔, 公司名称, 你在那里工作的几个月/几年, 和 a short list of the responsibilities you had while you were there.

Your responsibilities should be similar to your summary of qualifications but not exactly the same. 你不需要使用完整的句子. 突出你的一些成就, for example "Assisted pharmacist in filling out paperwork during peak times" or "Helped provide customer service to difficult customers."

6. 社区参与和利益

最后一部分是可选的,取决于你是谁. 如果你参加了任何志愿者工作,你可以把它放在最后.1 You should also list any associations or groups that you are a part of if they relate to the medical field.

If you have an interest that you think is important or sets you apart then you can also include it. Be careful with this because you don't want to add unnecessary information.

2http://work.chron.com/objectives -Pharmacy Technician的简历- 14957.html