


当COVID-19迫使全国各地的学校关闭时, students 和 educators at every level were left to grapple with the idea of online learning. As technology advanced 和 institutions invested in online education, 然而, many higher education students might have found themselves considering earning an online degree for the first time.

在线大学有很多好处, 从灵活的工作时间到在任何地方工作的能力. 即便如此, 如果你正在考虑最适合你的在线学位, you might think going online means settling for a degree in a certain field. 不正确的.

These days, you can even earn trade school degrees online 和 get h和s-on experience. 下面是一些你可以在网上获得的学位.


数据库管理和管理如果你在网上获得了数据库管理员学位, 你也许可以在IT行业从事初级工作, 数据管理, 数据安全, 数据库设计, 数据库管理或数据映射.1 典型的数据库管理员 确保数据安全,授权人员可以访问. 这个领域的工作 预计增长10% 从2019年到2029年,高于所有职业的平均水平.2

数字图形艺术-如果你想要混合 艺术能力,电脑操作能力和沟通能力,在线平面设计学位可能适合你.1 平面设计师 work with clients to create visual concepts, from digital illustrations to logos 和 layouts. 通过在线平面设计课程, you will work with current digital graphic art software to become familiar with graphic design theory 和 application.

暖通空调(HVAC)-当你想象暖通空调培训时, 你可能会想象学习用双手工作, using the tools 和 equipment you’ll see in the field rather than online HVAC training. It’s true, 然而, that you can actually pursue HVAC certification online. 主要是暖气、空调和制冷机械 安装,清洁和维护暖通空调系统. 通过HVAC在线课程, you can become familiar with the theories behind what you might encounter in the field, 再加上通过实验室获得实践经验.1

餐厅,酒店和零售管理-如果你喜欢和客户一起工作和领导一个团队, 你可以考虑一下酒店管理学位, 餐饮管理或零售管理学位.PG电子平台餐厅1号, 热情好客 和 Retail Management degree program exposes students to each of these concepts. The program aims to prepare students for an entry level position in the field, such as as a 酒店经理 or 餐饮服务经理.1


刑事司法学位—Those who pursue a criminal justice degree might find themselves in the field often, responding to calls 和 working in the community—so it might be a surprise that those who already have a criminal justice associate degree can earn an online criminal justice bachelor’s degree. 根据美国劳工统计局的数据, a bachelor’s degree might be useful for those who pursue a police or detective position with a specific agency.1 With the online criminal justice degree program at Remington College, you can learn from both theory 和 real-world experience from instructors.

组织管理-如果你在网上攻读组织管理学位, you will likely work on your leadership 和 business management skills through the curriculum. Those who graduate from an organizational management online program could pursue a career as a general manager, 设施经理, 行政服务经理 or more, doing things like planning, directing 和 coordinating activity at a business.1

卫生信息管理专业毕业卫生信息技术人员 查看患者记录, 整理和维护临床数据, 为数据分析等分配临床代码. 如果这听起来像是结合你的完美方式 分析技巧 如果你对医疗保健行业感兴趣,你很幸运. You might consider pursuing your health information management degree online.在PG电子平台,你甚至可以更进一步,获得a 在线健康信息管理硕士.

2 BLS statistics represent national job growth expectations 和 are not necessarily reflective of local market conditions.
